Autor: Horst Sergio
Respect! „AKA 3“ Chickenloop
A search of more than 20 years comes to an end. In 1999 when kitesurfing started to slowly pick up, many as me started to made first thoughts if blunt fixing themself to a kite that can pull like a truck and can accelerate like a rocket might be a healthy idea. Sadly, it took […]
Zum Reschensee mit dem Elektro-Kei-Car
Brauche ich wirklich ein 2,x Tonnen Elektro SUV mit > 70 kWh Riesen-Akku um ohne lokale Emissionen in den Surfurlaub zu kommen? Der folgende Beitrag ist der Versuch das Gegenteil zu beweisen, für alle Surfer, die noch keine Erfahrung mit Elektromobilität haben und sich ihre Infos noch nicht regelmäßig beim Profi abholen: z.B.: dem hier: […]
Die Überschrift enthält auch die erste Differenzierung. Denn die ersten Monofoil spezifischen Flügel gibt es bereits seit 2019 von Delta Hydrofoils in Kombination mit einer 0-Fuselage. Diese ist aber noch gegen eine normale Fuselage mit Stabi austauschbar, also insofern ein Hybrid. Spleene hat sich dagegen für ein reines Monofoil Design entschieden. Während der Alumast natürlich […]
Short Test Ozone WASP v2
I had the opportunity to test the Ozone WASP v2 in 5,0 m². Ozone has taken nearly 2 years for v2 edition of their WASP wing originally released 2019. While I had a very short test in 2019 but was too much fixed to my boom wings so today I was interested to see the […]
Bye bye Kneestart oder „nie wieder Schotstart des Wingens“
Es finden sich im Netz bereits unzählige Anleitungen wie man ein kleines oder großes Wingboard von einer knieenden Position aus startet, nachdem man aufs Brett gerobbt ist, den Wing an der Strippe eingeholt und gedreht hat, etc. Leider habe ich nur eine Anleitung von Alan Cadiz gefunden, die zeigt wie man lernt, dieses umständliche Manöver […]
Test Flysurfer wing MOJO
I had the opportunity to test a pre-series of the first Flysurfer Wing called MOJO since end of 2020 in 5,2 m², so for about 20 sessions on our cold European mountain lakes. I (62kg) am winging since 08/2019 mostly with the duotone boom wings. Apart from my Echos I had the new Ozone WASP […]
Flysurfer Peak4, most popular Kite ever?
2020 sales figures of the biggest FS reseller KJ show that Peak4 is even in front of the popular Soul. When I started the kiteforum topic about the usage of Peak4 in the water I didn’t expect it to become the most replied (>2000 posts) most popular (>200 views/day) and best rated (100%) topic about […]
Foil board straps setup and LOXX Fastener
This is not just for foilers, but mostly for all foiling styles using straps (as kite, boost, surf, wing), but maybe also some riders with straps on kite waveboards may profit from the later shown “Loxx Fastener” setup. For everybody interested the next winter / covid weeks seems to be a good time for some […]
How To: Launch Peak4 in the water
Unexpected a post from 2018 about using Flysurfers “PEAK4” land kite on the water became one of the most popular in a surf forum. But expected, the Peak4 in 3, 4, 5 and 6 m² became my main hydrofoil kites, but also many other (wave) hydrofoilers shared the joy of its unique flying characteristics. After […]
iFoilboards / Inflatables for Winging
Wing foiling seems to become a serious and big part of surfing world. Development speed of material and rider skill is impressive. One of the main reasons could be its accessibility. What I feel compared to windsurfing, kiting and surfing, accessibility here means mostly: more beginner friendly and more spots and conditions to do it […]